June 7, 2024
A group of Mainland School Principals and Representatives alongside with Representative from VTC, Brian CHAN paid Menzies CNAC Aviation Services (MCAS) a visit on 7 June.
The meeting started with MCAS sharing their businesses in the Hong Kong Airport area as well as the Greater Bay Area, including its training centre in Huizhou, and cooperation with outsource companies for import labour from the region. Warren CHAN, Head of Business Development also shared ideas on how cooperation with VTC through Vocational Professionals Admission Scheme (VPAS) allows students from Mainland Schools to have the opportunity to work and gain working experience in the Hong Kong Airport area.
Both parties are confident that the cooperation with MCAS will mark a great success in the future. MCAS believes such collaboration will contribute significant labour force towards the operations of the Airport and are looking forward to explore more with both parties.
在會議上,中航明捷首先介紹了其在香港機場及粵港澳大灣區的業務,包括在惠州的培訓中心,以及與該地區的外勞公司合作。此外,業務拓展總監 陳偉倫亦分享如何與 VTC透過職專畢業生留港計劃(VPAS)合作,讓內地學校的學生有機會在香港機場地區工作並獲得工作經驗。